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Netdollar platform is a private, permissioned distributed ledger technology which facilitates low cost payments, leveraging the native  local currencies or digital assets, issued by different MFI (participating Micro Finance Institutions, which issue the  emoney).

While these assets can be anything, most of the times, they represent cash deposits, that the anchor maintains in a given fiat currency. Such an asset is often referred as ‘stablecoin’, since it’s value is pegged to a fiat currency, like USD, EUR, etc which would usually have much little fluctuation as compared to cryptocurrencies.

Another important attribute of Netdollar is that while any businesses can join the network, financial organizations can choose to transact with, specific organizations whom they trust and can obtain proof of the AML checks performed by the organization, before onboarding an end user as their customer.

So it’s a disinter-mediating technology and allows banks and financial institutions to work within the regulatory frameworks while making the payments process more efficient for their customers.

ERC-20 universal standard

Up to 5% of a merchant’s budget is spent on commissions charged by a number of  processors, including banks, payment systems, advertising. Have one or more banks as part of the network and let them act as token issuers.While any organization like a MFI or a bank or even an individual can become an anchor partner and issue digital currencies or assets. They can help convert real currency and issue equivalent amount of tokens on the network, to a participant and vice versa. 

Fully Scalable

Our solution provides SDKs as well as REST APIs to interact with the network. All transactions need to be signed by authorised parties and payments made to an Account can be verified by any one who has access to the network and the AccountId

Smart contract management

In the smart contract, create an asset definition for money or Token e.g. With this approach is that the token is restricted to this network alone and the bank needs to be involved, every time a participant wants to convert the token into real cash and use it somewhere else.

Marketing Service

Smart contracts can be used to record proprietary and private information related to the  agreement between parties on the amount to be paid for a particular transaction.

The Netdollars mobile money apps run on a custom built blockchain, that can move value around and represent the ownership of property. This enables IMF to create markets, store registries of debts or promises, move funds in accordance with instructions given long in the past (like a will or a futures contract) and many other things that have not been invented yet, all without a middleman.

Smart money, smart wallet

In the absence of banking services, or if financial products are rarely used, people inevitably turn to informal providers, such as neighbourhood savings clubs, local money lenders, and unlicensed remittance services. Most people on low incomes tend to be experienced users of these informal financial products, and to have intricate and well-ordered financial lives. However, they do not have legal protection, face significant risks, and may pay more for a vastly inferior product. A lot of unbanked people use and run and transform their informal businesses on electronic money operations. Where 607 million people have a mobile phone, but do not yet have a bank account. Mobile technology could therefore provide them with immediate access to the benefits of financial inclusion.

Faster Speed
Of Transaction

The Wallet is a gateway to decentralized applications on the Stellar blockchain. It allows you to hold and secure your cash

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